The Way Home: a story from Grade One, September 1963

I was 5 years old and had just entered Grade One at Crofton House School “for girls”.

That September day was much like today….warm sunshine with a slight early Fall crispness in the air….the rich colours of late summer flowers delighting me, then as now.

My mother drove my older brother and I to school each morning and then went on to her fulltime work at VGH. It was arranged that, after school,  I would take a small school-bus home to where our live-in housekeeper awaited me.

On my third day of school, I believe, I was playing on the teeter- totters on our school playground as I waited for the school bus. I heard the bus horn honk, but a pair of twin girls in Grade 2 held me high up in the air on the teeter- totter….after I cried out telling them I had to get my bus, they eventually let me down with a sudden bump! I picked myself up and ran up the gravel path as fast as my five year old legs could carry me….the little yellow V&J schoolbus was nowhere to be seen….

I do not recall seeking anyone to ask but rather, marched down the school driveway and set out to walk home.

( I just spoke this morning on the phone to my Grade One teacher, now in her 80’s, and living in Vancouver. She does not recall this story, but does recall me as “quietly shy” and “small”. It seems I was also fairly independent!! My grade 6 teacher did definitely recall the story and the frantic search the teachers made for me in their cars after my father called in that i was missing; before the days of “amber alerts”!)

Walking home, I backtracked the same route that my Mummy had driven me in the mornings. I can visualize the flashing lamp and still remember the feeling of relief after crossing 41st Ave at Dunbar – at that time I believe there was a flashing caution light hanging over the intersection.

I walked up Dunbar and recall pausing at 29th Avenue – my brother John’s school was down there – and I decided I didn’t need to cover that ground and continued walking north on Dunbar until 16th Avenue. Then I walked down 16th Ave and still remember the feeling of relief when I crossed the railroad tracks at Arbutus….almost home!!

Soon the last few steps of my long journey, and my tired little legs climbed the painted wooden red front steps to our house…I opened the door and went in….

I don’t remember details of the reunion, but do recall climbing onto my Mummy’s lap as we sat on the hall bench by our black dialup telephone. I had a good cry and ate a jelly donut ….I was safely home and all was well 🙂

While I was walking home, I did feel alone at times, and I recall the feeling of relief when I had managed to keep safe in a dangerous area ( eg crossing busy 41st Ave.) but I do not recall feeling afraid….

Thankfully, this little girl, quietly shy, small and determined, and with a good memory, knew the way home and safely made it there!

Looking back, and without the help of my parents’ version, I wonder how I knew the way home so clearly on the third day of school! Had I accompanied my brother in the car the year previously on my way to kindergarten….possibly….or just good observational skills and memory….that too, I suppose!

It was a 6 kilometer, almost 4 mile, walk.

Now it’s 2017, and I still run for busses and miss them quite often! ….the busyness of daily life, perhaps listening to an aquaintance’s life story that I don’t wish to cut short (people do seem to find me easy to share with) or my own slightly disorganized middle- aged brain…these sometimes lead to me missing my bus.  I can’t think of bullies in my life presently, (btw, those same twin girls in Grade 2 one day told me to close my eyes, to put out my tongue and they would give me a candy….I closed my eyes, stuck out my tongue and they sprinkled pepper on it! They were indeed bullies, yes, at a girls’ school, and i, growing up with gentle brothers, was far too trusting!!)

These days when I miss a bus…there is usually another one! Occasionally I’m late…

And, I have learned to ask for help and direction when in need. Cellular phones and google are of course enormously convenient helpful when on the journey.

However, as I reflect on this story about 5 year old me,  I do believe strongly that we do all personally need to know both where is home? and how do I get there?

Of course, we need to know the answers in a practical physical sense for daily life here on earth, but what about for that longer journey of life that we each are on…?

The journey of life here on earth towards our eternal home….the new heavens and the new earth….

Do you know where home is? Do you know the way?


Haven’t located a Grade One photo yet….this is my grade 2 class. Can you spot little Jennifer….still small, but not quite as shy 🙂 Here I am surrounded by several friends who are to this day very important people in my life!!!! Susie, the little redhead to my right, and Carolyn behind me whom I am chatting with, dearest friends to this day, as well as happily being in touch with several more: DeeDee (2L back row), Heather (3L back row), Maria ( 2L front row)and Cathy (3L front row).